Are There Any Foods That Should Be Avoided In An RV Convection Microwave Oven?

In this article, we will explore the topic of whether there are any foods that should be avoided when using an RV convection microwave oven. As an avid traveler, you know the convenience of having a convection microwave oven in your RV, but you may wonder if there are any limitations or potential risks when it comes to cooking certain foods. Let’s dive into this topic and discover what foods, if any, you should steer clear of when using your trusty RV convection microwave oven.

Are There Any Foods That Should Be Avoided In An RV Convection Microwave Oven?

Dairy Products


When using an RV convection microwave oven, it is generally best to avoid heating up a whole carton of milk. The high heat of the convection setting can cause the milk to rapidly heat and potentially spill over, creating a mess in your oven. To avoid this, it is recommended to heat milk in smaller quantities or transfer it to a microwave-safe container before heating.


Cheese can be a tricky food to heat in an RV convection microwave oven, as it has a tendency to melt and become messy. To prevent the cheese from melting all over the oven, it is best to use it in dishes like casseroles or sandwiches, where the heat is distributed more evenly. Avoid placing a block of cheese directly in the oven as it may create a mess and be difficult to clean.


While yogurt can generally be heated in an RV convection microwave oven, it is important to be cautious. The high heat of the convection setting can cause the yogurt to curdle or separate, resulting in an unappetizing texture. It is best to heat yogurt slowly on a lower power setting or in short intervals to prevent it from being ruined.

Fried or Greasy Foods

French Fries

Although tempting, it is not recommended to heat up French fries in an RV convection microwave oven. The high heat can make them extra crispy and dry, taking away their enjoyable texture. It is best to reheat French fries in a regular oven or on a stovetop to maintain their deliciousness.

Fried Chicken

Similar to French fries, reheating fried chicken in an RV convection microwave oven is not ideal. The hot airflow in the convection setting can make the chicken turn even drier and lose its crispy skin. It is better to use alternative heating methods, such as a conventional oven or stovetop, to retain the juiciness and texture of the chicken.


When it comes to reheating donuts in an RV convection microwave oven, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. While the convection setting can make them crispy again, it may also lead to a loss of moisture, resulting in a drier texture. If you prefer your donuts warm and chewy, it is recommended to use a regular microwave or heat them in a toaster oven for a shorter amount of time.

Raw Meat or Seafood

Raw Chicken

It is crucial to avoid cooking raw chicken in an RV convection microwave oven. The high heat of the convection setting may lead to uneven cooking and potentially leave parts of the chicken undercooked, which can be a food safety concern. Use a traditional oven or stovetop cooking methods to ensure that raw chicken is cooked thoroughly.

Raw Fish

Cooking raw fish in an RV convection microwave oven is not recommended due to the quick, high heat of the convection setting. This rapid cooking can result in overcooked and dry fish. For the best results, it is preferable to cook fish using gentle heat methods, such as steaming, baking, or sautéing on a stovetop.

Raw Shellfish

Heating raw shellfish in an RV convection microwave oven is generally not recommended. The hot airflow in the oven can make the shellfish tough and rubbery. It is best to cook shellfish using traditional methods, such as boiling or steaming, to ensure they are cooked to perfection.

Foods with Excessive Moisture


While it is possible to heat soups in an RV convection microwave oven, it is essential to pay attention to the timing. Soups with a high moisture content, such as broths or thin soups, can potentially boil over in the convection setting due to the intense heat. To avoid a mess in your oven, it is advisable to either heat soups on a low power setting or use a microwave-safe container with a lid to contain any potential spills.


Similar to soups, stews can also be heated in an RV convection microwave oven. However, it is important to monitor them closely to prevent the excess moisture from causing the stew to boil over. Stirring the stew periodically while heating can help distribute the heat evenly and reduce the risk of spills.


Sauces can generally be heated in an RV convection microwave oven, but precautions should be taken to prevent them from splattering or overcooking. It is recommended to cover the container with a microwave-safe lid or use a microwave-safe plastic wrap with a small vent to allow steam to escape while trapping most of the moisture inside the sauce.

Are There Any Foods That Should Be Avoided In An RV Convection Microwave Oven?

Breaded or Battered Foods

Breaded Chicken Nuggets

Reheating breaded chicken nuggets in an RV convection microwave oven can result in an uneven texture and loss of crispiness. For best results, it is advisable to use a conventional oven or toaster oven. These methods will help preserve the crispy exterior while reheating the chicken nuggets to a safe and enjoyable temperature.

Battered Fish Fillets

Similar to breaded chicken nuggets, reheating battered fish fillets in an RV convection microwave oven may lead to an undesirable texture. The convection setting can make the batter become soggy or dry out. To maintain the crispy coating, it is recommended to use a regular oven or stovetop methods to reheat battered fish fillets.

Onion Rings

When it comes to reheating onion rings in an RV convection microwave oven, it is best to avoid using the convection setting. The high heat can make the onion rings lose their crispy texture and become soft and oily. It is better to use a regular microwave or a toaster oven on a lower heat setting to warm them up without sacrificing the crunch.


Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn is a popular snack, but it may not be the best choice for an RV convection microwave oven. The convection setting can cause the popcorn to heat up too quickly, leading to burnt or unevenly popped kernels. It is recommended to use a regular microwave or a stovetop popcorn maker for the best results.

Homemade Popcorn

If you’re a fan of homemade popcorn, reheating it in an RV convection microwave oven can still be a challenge. The intense heat of the convection setting can quickly overcook or burn the popcorn. It is better to use a regular microwave or a stovetop method to reheat homemade popcorn, ensuring that it maintains its fluffy and delicious texture.

Metal Cookware or Foil

Aluminum Foil

Using aluminum foil in an RV convection microwave oven is generally not recommended. The high heat of the convection setting can cause the foil to spark or create a fire hazard. It is best to transfer the food to a microwave-safe container before heating or use alternative cookware suitable for microwave use.

Metal Utensils

Similarly, using metal utensils in an RV convection microwave oven is not advisable. Metal utensils can cause arcing and potential damage to both the utensils and the oven. It is better to opt for microwave-safe utensils made of plastic or glass when using the convection setting.

Metal Baking Pans

Cooking or reheating food in metal baking pans in an RV convection microwave oven can result in uneven heating and potential damage to the pan and the oven itself. It is recommended to use microwave-safe glass or ceramic bakeware for optimal results and to avoid any mishaps.

Thin or Fragile Foods

Thin Cuts of Meat

Reheating thin cuts of meat in an RV convection microwave oven can be challenging. The intense heat of the convection setting can quickly overcook or dry out thin meats, such as steak or pork chops. It is better to use alternative methods, such as a regular oven or stovetop, to reheat thin cuts of meat to ensure they remain tender and flavorful.

Delicate Fish Fillets

Delicate fish fillets, like sole or flounder, can easily become overcooked and dry in an RV convection microwave oven. The rapid cooking method may not be suitable for these types of fish. It is best to use gentle heat methods, such as steaming or sautéing on a stovetop, to reheat delicate fish fillets without sacrificing their texture and taste.

Thin Pizza

Reheating thin pizza in an RV convection microwave oven can make the crust become tough and chewy. The intense heat of the convection setting may cause the moisture in the pizza to evaporate, leading to a less enjoyable eating experience. It is better to use a regular oven or stovetop methods to reheat thin pizza, ensuring that it remains crispy.

High-Sugar Foods


While it is technically possible to heat up candies in an RV convection microwave oven, caution must be exercised. High sugar content can cause candies to melt quickly, potentially creating a sticky mess in the oven. If you choose to heat candies, it is recommended to use the lowest power setting and only heat them for short intervals to prevent them from quickly liquefying.


Reheating marshmallows in an RV convection microwave oven can result in them expanding and potentially bursting. The intense heat can cause the marshmallows to become overcooked and melt into a sticky mess. It is best to use a regular microwave or toast them over a campfire for that perfect gooey texture.

Sweetened Cereals

Sweetened cereals, like Froot Loops or Lucky Charms, should be avoided when attempting to heat them in an RV convection microwave oven. The high sugar content can cause them to quickly burn or become overly crispy. It is better to enjoy these cereals straight from the box or add them to milk without heating them.

Spicy or Strong-Smelling Foods


Reheating curries in an RV convection microwave oven can be risky due to their strong flavors and potential for splattering. The convection setting may cause the curry to splatter and create a mess in the oven. It is better to reheat curries using gentler methods, such as on a stovetop or in a regular microwave.


While reheating garlic in an RV convection microwave oven is possible, it is important to keep an eye on it to prevent it from burning. The intense heat of the convection setting can quickly turn garlic bitter and unappetizing. It is advisable to use lower heat settings or reheating methods, such as sautéing or use a regular oven, to maintain the desired flavor.


Reheating onions in an RV convection microwave oven can cause them to become dry and lose their texture. The hot airflow can quickly dehydrate onions, resulting in a less enjoyable taste and texture. It is best to use stovetop methods, such as sautéing or caramelizing, to bring out the best flavors from onions.

In conclusion, there are several types of food that should be avoided or approached with caution when using an RV convection microwave oven. Dairy products, fried or greasy foods, raw meat or seafood, excessively moist foods, breaded or battered foods, popcorn, metal cookware or foil, thin or fragile foods, high-sugar foods, and spicy or strong-smelling foods all have specific considerations. By following these guidelines and using alternative cooking methods when necessary, you can ensure that your RV convection microwave oven remains a versatile and efficient cooking tool for all your culinary adventures.